Posted by: ETO Doors

This is the second installation of our door repurposing series.  If you’ve taken on a door repurposing project, we’d love to see it!  Email you pictures to with the subject line “My repurposing project” and we’ll post your before and after images to our website!

Last time we discussed using an old wood door as a headboard, but what if you love your headboard?  Well, how about a new table?  Old doors can create beautiful rustic tables,  this project takes a little more wood-shop expertise, it’s easily a DIY project, but if you’re not feeling up for the challenge, call a carpenter or look up a wood working/furniture company in your city to see if they can assist with your project.

We aren’t carpenters, so we’re not going to provide you with the step-by-step instructions, lest we forget an integral step, so this blog this is more inspirational in nature.  Nevertheless, we know there are a few things to keep in mind when you decide to venture out on this door repurposing project:

CONSIDER THIS:  You’ll want a smooth door, or you’ll want to look into securing a tempered glass to the top to create the smooth surface most people desire with a table.  This does not mean you can’t use a door with grooves or other designs, it simply means you need to consider the functionality.  Four evenly spaced shapes (squares, rectangles, etc.) don’t necessarily require any smoothing or extra work.  These shapes create spaces to place your glasses, books, and other tabletop trinkets.

AND CONSIDER THIS: You don’t have to keep the door the original size.  Cut the door in half or in quarters for matching side-tables, or a small coffee table. A standard 36×80 door is a pretty large table, great for your dining room, but not so great if you’re in an apartment or another small space.  A circular saw and some creativity could result in two or three small tables that creative a cohesive design aesthetic for your home or office.

Repurposed doors as tables is a great family project, but it’s important to go in with sufficient time and a little expertise with woodworking.  If you’re looking for some inspiration, there are great resources online that provide in-depth instructions on repurposing doors for tables.  Good Luck and email your photos to, we can’t wait to see your finished work!