How to Handle a Dispute Over Construction Materials

When there is a dispute in construction, work can stop altogether while both parties attempt to hash out the problem and recoup losses. First, construction consulting services should determine whether a claim is worth pursuing, then measures should be taken to expedite the claim and seek resolution. Whatever the case, avoid trial at all costs! Trial is an expensive endeavor, and you’ll quickly find your bills adding up just to try and recoup...

How Fire Safes Work

Fire safes are designed to protect their contents from the actual heat of a fire as well as the less obvious potential of damage from the water which will usually be used to extinguish the fire. They are constructed of two metal sheets, usually steel, that sandwich an insulating material. This insulating material also contains a hydrate which releases water vapor as it is heated by the fire. This release of steam helps to protect the interior of...

Causes of Short Term Vacancies in Construction

Short term vacancies can cause a serious problem for any construction project, and it’s important to come up with a contingency plan on how to deal with these types of unplanned events. Construction is very much a business where time is money, so be prepared to hire construction & turnaround services as needed to fill in some of these gaps. As you’ll soon learn, accidents and departures can be triggered at a moment’s notice. Injury By...