Never Lose a Tool Again With Foam Storage Inserts

It seems every time we take on a job, we spend just as much time looking for the right tool as we do actually working on the project. Whether it’s the search for the right size wrench or a Phillips head screwdriver among a sea of slot head drivers, there isn’t much worse than spending 10 minutes looking for a tool that you only need for 10 seconds of work. Because we all want to get jobs done quickly, putting tools away during a project is...

Expanded Polystyrene as Insulation

Polystyrene foam is one of the world’s most utilized materials. We interact with it daily, often without realizing it. From coffee cups and food trays, to coolers, toys and packaging materials, polystyrene is everywhere in many forms. But perhaps its most useful application is as a rigid foam sheet insulation product, as it offers versatility, practicality and affordability. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is manufactured in large blocks that can...

Alternative Furniture Choices

Not every person is satisfied with traditional home furniture furnishings like rigid chairs and heavy, stationary couches. For people who want a little more flexibility in their homes, there are plenty of alternative furniture products available to outfit a home the way you want. One of the most recognizable classics in alternative furniture is the bean bag chair, even though a lot has changed since these products first became popular in the 60s...

Treat Your Recording Studio with Sound Insulation

Recording studios exist not just to isolate sound and noise from entering and exiting, but also to create an atmosphere where the music being recorded or mixed can be heard clearly and true. Sound waves move at different frequencies, bounce and reflect off of surroundings and even pass through them. Because of this, the items in a room, its building materials and even its shape have an impact on how music sounds. Reverberation and distortion can...